The Holy Spirit Knows What to Say and What to Do
In this clear, beautiful biblical teaching , we learn from God’s Holy Word that we must trust the leading and guidance of the Holy spirit. He is our helper and our partner in prayer.
Apart from the Holy Spirit, we do not know how to pray. We need the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers.
The Holy Spirit also intercedes for us. He fulfills His specific job and role in interceding for us to perfection.
No one has ever prayed for us like the Holy Spirit.
We must do our part and yield to the Holy Spirit. We must never get in His way.
The Holy Spirit is God. He knows all that God knows. He knows God’s will and plan for our lives. He searches and examines our hearts. He purifies our motives.
We challenge every believer to develop a trusting and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, through prayer and the Word of God.
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