A True Kingdom Disciple - M. H. Elrich
In this beautiful episode, M. H. Elrich joins us to share her life's journey as a true Kingdom Disciple for Jesus Christ. She is a successful Christian fantasy author and teacher.
M.H. Elrich was raised in a Christian home. She was saved at the age of eight while attending Vacation Bible School. Two years later, she was baptized, and as a child had a simple, wonderful faith. In her teenage years, however, M.H. wrestled with God. She struggled with the spirit of perfectionism and tried to be the perfect Christian. However, like all of us, she kept messing up. Her self-esteem was very low, and she began to believe the lies of the enemy that God did not love or forgive her. As she sought the Lord and knowledge of the Holy Spirit, her perspective changed. The Holy Spirit began to work on her heart. Quite often, she would fast and pray.
Once she understood the true biblical concept about forgiveness, it changed her life forever. She knew then without a doubt that Jesus loves her.
Later, as an adult, the Lord placed a wonderful man in her life. She and her husband have been happily married for 10 years. In her spare time, she watches T.V. with her husband, rides horses, and travels to places with lots of trees.
She is a teacher by profession. She taught junior high school for four years and is now a high school teacher at a Christian School.
She is active in Bible Study Fellowship and serves at her local church with her husband in the sound booth.
She understands the power of discipleship as it relates to her spiritual growth and development as a Christian.
Unlike many young people who are searching for love and truth in all the wrong places, she is strong in the Word and stands for the truth of God’s Word. M.H. is here to share her life's journey and encourage us on this day.
Thank you, M.H.
Books: Finding God in Anime and Where Giants Fall, and her stories have won several awards at the Kern County Fair.
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The Kingdom Truth Radio Broadcast
Listen Daily: 6:30-7:00 am Central Time
Radio Host: Yolanda Tyler
God Bless You.
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