Jesus Our Heart Healer and Prayer - Cyndy Bartelli
In this most powerful episode, it speaks to every believer who is silently suffering from heartbreak after heartbreak. It speaks volumes to the heart of anyone who is hobbled and stuck in the pain of the past.
Cyndy Bartelli is a successful Christian author, speaker, coach, and frequent podcast guest.
Cyndy Bartelli’s many years as a Human Resource Director and as a business owner, paved a way for great entrepreneurial experiences. She loves business!
While gaining all of this business experience, however, she was simultaneously exposed to a series of traumas, diseases, family deaths, breakups, and losses that added up to a mountain of secret heartbreak. As a result, Cyndy cultivated a new relationship with our triune God (God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). As she matured spiritually in her relationship with the Lord, she discovered His deep love and miraculous ability to heal all wounds from her past. Through much prayer and ministry training, Cyndy now combines her business background with her passion for helping others to seek healing from the Lord.
In 2017, she published her first book, The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World, which has brought a new level of hope to readers in many aspects of their lives. The Heart Healer was soon followed by The Heart Healer Study Guide. Both books are now available in English and Spanish. They are presented privately and in group settings across the U.S.
Cyndy’s passion and mission are to connect the hearts of people to the heart of God. Doors open to healing from our past in extraordinary ways by knowing the Lord on a very personal level and recognizing His great love for us.
Cyndy will share with us about how heartbreak impacts us even heartbreak and trauma experienced as children. And, at the end of our episode, she has a free gift for all of our listeners!
Cyndy and her husband, Terry, have been married for almost forty years. They currently reside in The Hill Country of Central Texas. They have four children and six grandchildren. She specializes in podcast guesting and leads online classes for group leaders of The Heart Healer globally.
Thank you, Cyndy.
Suggested Links:
Website HELLO Page –
There, listeners will learn more about what we do, including:
Vertical Hearts – Non-profit supporting the message of heart healing globally
Please Go to: Hello - Cyndy Bartelli and Download Link for the Free Listener Gift – The first chapter of The Heart Healer and The Heart Healer Study Guide
The Heart Healer Books by Cyndy Bartelli on Amazon
Prayer Requests Can Be Submitted on our website:
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